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SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Selected Research

Afonso, F., Lu, J. “Post-disaster Temporary Housing System based on Generative Design Method” in International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, Vol. 10, n.2, May 2021, pp 80-84.

Gassner, F., Klissenbauer, P., Steinmair-Pösel, P., & Kirchschläger I. (2020) Menschenrechte und Gerechtigkeitals bleibende Aufgaben: Beiträge aus Religion, Theologie, Ethik, Recht und Wirtschaft. (Human Rights and Justice as Permanent Endeavors: Contributions from Religion, Theology, Ethics, Law and Economics) Vienna University Press, 2020. https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737011655

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

USJ is committed to increasingly adopt and promote responsible production and consumption patterns. Some of these increses are described in our Environmental Action Plan.

Our campus is equipped with waste sorting equipment, and we regularly promote our policy of waste minimization. For example, to minimize plastic waste, each floor on the USJ campus is equipped with water fountains designed for filling reusable water bottles. USJ is structuring out environment to incentivise responsible consumption habits during the highly formative years of our students.

News & EventsRelease Date
USJ building bridges between Fashion and SustainabilityJul 2021