USJ Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective 1

Uphold the highest academic standards.


1.1 Develop an effective quality assurance system;

1.2 Adopt the highest standards and best practices in all academic activities, including but not limited to teaching, learning and research;

1.3 Provide both degree-granting and lifelong learning courses, whether classroom-based or through distance learning, using English, Chinese, or Portuguese;

1.4 Promote the international character of USJ’s academy by the use of English as the regular medium of internal communication and principal medium of instruction;

1.5 Ensure the quality and efficiency of the University’s administration, service units and student support;

1.6 Set up, with other HEIs, a peer benchmark- ing system, partnership in research, joint programmes and mobility projects;

1.7 Seek institutional and programme accreditation.

Strategic Objective 2

Promote the identity and ethos of the University.


2.1 Embody the longstanding commitment of the Catholic Diocese of Macau to education, care for the needy and the peaceful mingling of cultures;

2.2 Maintain privileged relations with the inter- national network of Catholic Universities, in particular with the Catholic University of Portugal;

2.3 Dedicate a section of the USJ Library to the fields of Philosophy, Religious Studies, and History of Christianity in Asia, providing updated collections and links to other relevant collections and archives in Macao;

2.4 Invest in forming all staff’s understanding of USJ’s identity and ethos and in supporting academics to develop a critical awareness of the world views and ethical implications associated with their fields of study;

2.5 Prepare highly qualified and ethically grounded professionals according to the priorities of the Catholic Diocese of Macau, the objectives of the Macao SAR government, regional opportunities and the needs of the world at large;

2.6 Foster inclusiveness, fairness and respectful diversity in the community life of the University, taking particular care to ensure equity and transparency in procedures governing access, opportunities and treatment of all;

2.7 Promote educational, cultural, social, sports and other recreational activities for the benefit of the surrounding community.

Strategic Objective 3

Nurture the commitment to a sustainable society.


3.1 Promote environmental sustainability in the context of teaching, learning, research, public engagement and other activities on and off campus;

3.2 Engage in a wide range of activities on the issues of Climate Change, Biodiversity, Pollution, Energy, Water, Waste, Resources, Transport, Travel and Recycling, with special emphasis on their connection to Social Justice;

3.3 Research and introduce in programme curricula the Global Goals for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations, which link social and environmental objectives;

3.4 Empower students and staff by linking local initiatives to global goals, building long term objectives on short term “wins”, anchoring new approaches in a distinctive culture of USJ’s campuses, monitoring and providing feedback on all these actions;

3.5 Work with the wider community to promote a Green Campus Project/Policy for all edu- cation institutions in Macao.

Strategic Objective 4

Foster social development rooted in the traditions of Macao.


4.1 Promote academic dialogue between the cultures and spiritual traditions of East Asia and beyond, in line with the history and identity of Macao;

4.2 Introduce innovative programmes and research projects that directly address the social, cultural and ethical needs of Macao and improve the wellbeing of individuals and the community;

4.3 Identify, study and promote the tangible and intangible heritage of Macao, whether it be architectural, museological, archival or in the form of local traditions and practices;

4.4 Organise academic, cultural, sporting and recreational events that strengthen relations between external stakeholders and USJ’s staff, students and alumni.

Strategic Objective 5

Promote internationalization, as a core value proposition.


5.1 Promote international academic, cultural and business links, by organizing events, stimulating exchange and supporting knowledge transfer;

5.2 Disseminate and promote the study of Chinese Culture, History and traditions at the transnational level;

5.3 Support the use of English as a working and academic language;

5.4 Contribute to the development of Macao as a centre for learning the Portuguese language and culture and as a hub between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries;

5.5 Regularly recruit a significant number of international staff and students, particularly from the Portuguese-speaking countries to foster networking with academics and students from Macao, Hong Kong and Main- land China;

5.6 Set up exchange and degree programmes with Portuguese-speaking universities in the for-mats of Joint Degree, Double Degree, Multiple Degree or Consecutive Degree;

5.7 Develop joint research centres, joint research projects and research networks that promote the cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries through Macao.

Strategic Objective 6

Promote whole-person development and institutional accountability.


6.1 Provide students, in and out of class, with a rounded education that integrates spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development with the values of truthfulness, respect for others, team spirit, integrity and a responsible attitude to the life of the community and the world at large;

6.2 Research and adopt best practices in management of human resources, furthering the well-being of staff and students and striking a healthy balance between the professional and private lives of all;

6.3 Invest in continuous staff development and quality enhancement in all academic, administrative and service units;

6.4 Encourage staff and students to engage in the institutional life of the University;

6.5 Practise accountability in academic work and administration, providing feedback to students and regular reports and audits as appropriate to other stakeholders;

6.6 Adopt procedures that ensure responsible management and guarantee the long-term sustainability of the University.