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  4. 2.8.5. Staff Development on QAE (2021/2022)

2.8.5. Staff Development on QAE (2021/2022)

During 2021/2022, formal staff development sessions for QAE continued to be provided. During the first semester, 2 sessions were organised, targeting PhD supervisors and Deans/Programme Coordinators respectively; in the second semester, 2 workshops were organised with a focus on education matters. Topics covered were:

Semester 1, 2021/2022

  1. Optimising Doctoral Supervision
  2. Preparation of Financial Plan for a Programme

Semester 2, 2021/2022

  1. Building Syllabi across a Programme
  2. Creating Rubrics for Formative and Summative Assessment

Selected materials from these training sessions are available here (Staff only).

Updated on February 17, 2023