Benefits of QAE

QAE enables the university and its academic, administrative, service and support units and their members to:

  • continuously improve themselves, their students, their work, their operations and the institution;
  • meet accountability, internal and external quality and accreditation standards and requirements;
  • enhance the institution’s reputation. 
  • formulate and communicate their mission, vision, goals, objectives, and their alignment to each other;
  • position the university for student and staff recruitment and publicity, identifying the unique and/or distinctive features of the university. 
  • monitor and evaluate themselves, each other, and the work, procedures, operations and outcomes of the university and its academic, administrative, service and support units;
  • receive feedback and to take action from it, set priorities, identify needs and resources, develop and implement action planning and disseminate good practice;
  • identify strengths and areas for improvement in all their work, procedures and operations;
  • identify and address areas for professional development;
  • identify where, when, what and how to intervene for continuous improvement;
  • improve the quality of the work, procedures, operations and achievements of academic, administrative, service and support units. 

QAE concerns procedures, development, improvement and excellence; it enables parties and academic, administrative, service and support units to: 

  • develop systematic, methodical, rigorous, evidence-based and evidence-informed perspectives on planning, implementing and evaluating their work, procedures and operations, collaboratively, leading to continuous improvement, action planning and review.
  • ensure that the processes, procedures and mechanisms for this are operating effectively, efficiently, efficaciously and with maximum impact, to ensure that the intended work, procedures and operations in the academic, administrative, service and support units are being achieved, to serve accountability, and to identify good practice within the academic, administrative, service and support units. 

QAE has leadership and management elements and benefits; it enables parties and academic, administrative, service and support units to: 

  • know where to intervene to maximise the quality of the work, procedures and operations in the academic, administrative, service and support units;
  • develop and implement evidence-based and evidence-informed decision-making and leadership;
  • work collaboratively and collegially with all parties across the university;
  • identify what each academic, administrative, service and support unit stands for and where it is going;
  • identify the distinctive strengths, accomplishments, needs, and future plans for the work, procedures and operations in the academic, administrative, service and support units, thereby serving accountability;
  • ensure that the work, procedures and operations in the academic, administrative, service and support units are aligned to the strategic direction, aims, objectives and intended outcomes of the unit and the university;
  • enhance the key views and criteria of quality espoused by the university in respect of the work, procedures and operations in the academic, administrative, service and support units.